Monday 3 April 2017

The Big Year Is Over But Birding Goes On

Welcome back birders and bird lovers alike!
I'm writing this post to catch you up on the events that have taken place since my big year ended.
Spring is here and a lot has happened.

The second Indigo Bunting of my life was spotted in Port Alberni not far from here!
I had the first ever winter sighting of a Townsend Solitaire for Tofino
Lots of Anna's Hummingbirds
And Red-Necked Grebes
Western Screech Owlet Art
Saw-Whet Owlet Art
Art  and Photos by Birdy Mcbirdface

1 comment:

  1. I love your photos and art! Great composition in all of them. Your owl art is delightful. You are very talented.
